Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today I Want to Talk About Love

Yesterday, a student asked me to marry him so he could have a green card. I politely declined. Today,
another student requested that we set aside the topic of financial debt and discuss love.

Me: Were you able to read the article for today's lesson?
Student: No. I didn't want to read it. Today, I want to talk about love.
Me: You want to talk about love?
Student: Yes. Love. I want to know your first love. Who was he? Tell me all of it.
Me: Well.... let me think. I'm getting older, so my memory is not always quick...... Okay. I can remember my first love.
Student: Okay. Who was he?
Me: Well, I was 10. He was a new kid at school and I thought he was cute. So, I decided that I must be in love with him.
Student: Ah!!! That's great!!! What happened??? Did you marry him???!??
Me: Haha! No way. I was 10. Besides, he decided to date other girls. I think he eventually married someone. But, I am not sure. I didn't really stay connected with him.
Student: (Makes a sad, sorrowful sound) That's so terrible! So you cried? Did you feel like dying?
Me: Not really. I was young. I recovered very quickly. I never stay down for long.
Student: That's good. So, did you find another boy? Did you have a rebound man?
Me: Haha. No, I didn't. I just tried to survive Middle School and High School.
Student: Oh, okay. Well, I'm glad you survived.
Me: Me too.
Student: Well, you know teacher.... You're single.
Me: ...........yes, you are right.
Student: So, maybe you never recovered from that boy that broke your heart.
Me: Well, I think I'm doing okay with the heart break. It's been almost 22 years. So, I think I've had a lot of time to recover. I've dated other guys in my adult life. I'm just single now.
Student: Oh! I did not know that! So, what happened with them? Were they bad men?
Me: Not all of them. Haha! Some of them were good guys. Sometimes, things just don't work out. That's part of the dating, I guess.
Student: Well, teacher, I think maybe they were not as good as you. Maybe you need better men for marriage.
Me: That is very kind of you to say. I think that there isn't necessarily anything wrong with the guys that I dated. I think that I am just looking for a particular thing, though. So, right now in life, I am just trying to be patient. Remember when we talked about "there are other fish in the sea?"
Student: Yes! The fish means men. So, there are other men in the ocean?
Me: Well, not in the ocean, but out "there," like there are other men or women in the world, so we don't need to be upset about just one person.
Student: Oh yes! I remember that. You know teacher, I want to know why you are single. Why not go get a man for marriage?
Me: Ha! Well, it's not that simple. It takes time for a relationship. And, I really don't have time to be concerned with anything like that right now.
Student: Oh really? What are you doing with your time?
Me: Well, I work two jobs and am really involved in my church. I think I'm at church seven days a week for one thing or another.
Student: Really? I remember you are a Christian. God must be so happy at you. Maybe He will give you a husband then.
Me: LOL! You know, if it worked like that, then that would be great, wouldn't it?
Student: Yeah.... OH! TEACHER!!!! I have an idea! You will like this.
Me: Okay. Haha. What's your idea.
Student: I think you should find a boyfriend at church. What do you think about that?

Me: Well, I think you have a great point. I just----

And that was that.

I love the intensity that my students have when we discuss my dating history and lack of current relationship. Haha! If I do end up getting married, I almost feel obligated to invite them since they are such cheerleaders and give such enthusiastic advice. LOL.


  1. Love it! Can't wait for the next "episode".

    1. :) Thanks, Eileen! I'm just happy I don't have a boring job!! It's so entertaining!
