Thursday, November 7, 2013

In the Dog House

I LOLed a little too hard this morning...

Me: So, what's up today? What did you do after work?
Student: Well, I went to Jejudo. (Jeju Island)
Me: You did? Oh, I am so jealous!
Student: Yes. I came here for a business conference.
Me: Oh, fun!
Student: Yes. But... teacher?
Me: Yes?
Student: Oy! Teacher! I am in not good with my wife.
Me: Uh-oh. What happened?
Student: My wife, she call me. She say, "Where are you?" I say, "Um.... I love you. I am at Jejudo."
Me: ....... You didn't tell your wife you were going out of town?
Student: No. I am so trouble right now.
Me: Yes. Yes, you are.

::A few moments later::

Me: You know, we have an expression that we use when the husband is in trouble.
Student: Really? What is it?
Me: It's called "You're in the dog house." Have you heard of it?
Student: YES! I know that! It's like this, (sings) "Who is the dog's house... woof...woof....woof woof...."
Me: Oh, that's the song, "Who LET the dogs OUT."
Student: OH! Okay. So, now I am in dog house.
Me: You are in THE dog house.
Student: I am in the dog house.
Me: Yes. It means you are in trouble. Big trouble.
Student: Yes. I will buy my wife a present. Or... I will give my wife money.
Me: Good call.

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