Monday, August 19, 2013

I Must Party

So, I know that we are not technically supposed to have favorite students... But, I do. There's this one student that is so endearing. Our conversations always crack me up (and they're usually the ones that I end up sharing on here).

Anyways, here's today's conversation:

::Phone rings::
::Student picks up the phone, and it is clear that he is out somewhere loud. Possible a bar::
Me: Hello! How ...are you?
Student: I'm good. How are you?
Me: I'm doing well, thanks. Where are you? It's kind of loud.
Student: I'm doing party.
Me: You're at a party?
Student: Yes. I'm partying.
Me: ... (Keep in mind that I've had quite a few lessons while students are out drinking)
Student: I cannot do the lesson today because I am partying.
Me: Okay, no problem at all. What are you celebrating?
Student: I am retiring.
Me: You're retiring? So soon? (He's in his early 20s)
Student: Yes. I am retiring from the Army tomorrow.
Me: Ooooohhhh. I understand. You are through with your contract tomorrow.
Student: Yes. I am excited. So now, I must party. I will talk to you tomorrow.
Me: Okay, no problem.
Student: Okay. Be good. Bye-bye!

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